What does the state need to do differently?

Dignity in care policy team 27/08/10 Dignity Champions forum

Government wants to move from Big Government to Big Society?

That will not happen by itself. What does:

a) Government b) Local Authorities c) Staff need to do to make that a reality in social care?

What support do care staff themselves need to help them deliver this new vision for Adult Social Care?

What should be the role of the voluntary sector? How can they add value? What barriers need removing to help them do what they are good at?

Can you see areas of social care that are unnecessarily bureaucratic or areas where services/decisions could be devolved to a much lower level - further away from the state/local authorities?

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nicola reynolds 27/08/10

I am a Community Care Practitioner for Adult and Community Services and i am currently beginning work on a project to review LD custoemrs with a view to promoting the uptake of Direct Payments within Self Directed Support.

As part of a team I face a number of challenges -
1) I will be asking customers to make choices over things that previously they may have had little or no control - how can anyone make a choice or decision on something they have never had before or do not know.

2) The temptation to 'leave things as they are' is overwhelming - even if there is potential for life enhancing change there is alot of resistance/unwillingness from many quarters to change what is in place now.

3) What is actually out there? - I am directed to steer people away from viewing ACS as a provider of services and look at them more as an enabler............................what does that mean in real terms for people who have always relied upon ACS to 'take care' of things - how do we know that other agencies and organisations are going to be able and equipped to meet needs?....................and if they can, where the heck are they? most vol organisations that I know have either closed their books as they are at capacity (ILF) or reduced what they are doing as there is a lack of funding.
and finally............

4) how do I convince people that doing things for themselves is a good thing? - lots of people who are in need of care and support are not generally willing or able of taking on the responsibility of being pivotal in their care arrangements.

So, I am preparing to go out there, to assist people to consider doing more, with less money and less opportunity to spend what they have.......................I love my job.

As a few solutions (because I feel that I should have some - other than that I am still part of the problem!)

Wider and stronger encouragement/enforcement of the use of some benefits in contributing to care/support provision.
eg why should social services provide and fund transport to customers who have their DLA mobility component in a vehicle (that often sits on the drive!) that their families refuse to use to transport the customer to activities/day services.

eg promting the use of AA to purchase items that assist care over and above the allocated provision made by NHS/PCT's and ACS agencies. lots of people receive the benefit and then refuse to pay for care/assistance and resources (pads, laundry etc) even though they are clearly in need.

Authorities ought to be up front with customers - need for widespread and firm communication that 'situations have changed' and we cant afford what we once did (its sad but it's true!) - now is the time to sieze upon the opportunity to make people realise that the ACS budget is not a bottomless pit.