What's happening with the Forum??? 26/02/2016

Peter Seymour 26/02/16 Dignity Champions forum

Our apologies to all of those subscribers to the Forum for the deluge of emails recently.

It appears this was triggered by a number of people wishing to unsubscribe and not particularly understanding that their posts are then sent to all forum subscribers.

When you signed up to become a Dignity Champion one of the questions was "Please tick this box if you are happy to receive email updates from our Dignity Champions forum: You can unsubscribe at any time if you do not find these useful"

Clicking the box registers the user to receive an email everytime someone posts a message on the Forum or replies to a Forum email.

We are taking steps to improve the forum and the description of how it works.

Please note: we cannot unsubscribe for you - an email to the forum asking for us to make it happen is what created this problem - you must follow the links to unsubscribe yourself.

If you feel that you have no choice but to unsubscribe from the email service then please follow the instructions we have posted on the Forum page - you can always re-join once normal service has been restored.

Peter Seymour
Network Coordinator/Administrator
National Dignity Council
[log in to view email address]

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mike stone 27/02/16

Thank you Peter,

I think I've got the gist of your post - I had certainly noticed that during the last week or so, 'the Forum seems to have gone rather crazy' !

I hope that normality, returns soon.

Anthony Anderson 28/02/16

Lets get back on track, it's a safe place for dignity champions to converse, not Facebook.