Where do I start

Old forum user 01/12/11 Dignity Champions forum

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can give me any ideas on where to start. Ive just signed up as a dignity champion and am feeling a bit overwhelmend with so much info, but dont really know the best way of starting!

Basically, I work for a company which has recently taken us over from Southern Cross and we have about 12 services across Devon and Dorset which are residential care homes and supported living for adults with learning disabilities. I see that most postings are probably in regards to elderly care but we wish to spread good practice also throughout our learning disability services.

I have a volunteer from each service to be a champion and we are going to meet regularly to take good practice and dignity issues back to our services. We will be having our first meeting in the next couple of weeks and I would be interested to find out how we can link in with others and perhaps hear directly from others about their good work in this field.

Is anyone able to give us any starters for our first meeting and recommend any tools and info we can share together to get us going.
Would be grateful for any suggestions you have.

Sue, Registered Home Manager
Exeter, Devon

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mike stone 30/12/11

Hello Sue,

I have found that although you only get a few people to reply (perhaps less than 2 in 10) if you have a specific question or issue, then using the Champions Search facility and sending out an e-mail trawl can be useful.

And if you are working in the same role, and with similar concerns or issues, some of the people who reply might then be willing to join in with an extended discussion.

Not sure if that will be helpful, or not !

Old forum user 10/01/12

Hi Mike, thank you very much for the response, yes that is a help!


Old forum user 13/01/12

We started off by getting the Dignity Action Cards for each support worker and posters to raise awareness as an easy to absorb overview. This year we are using the UKHCA training resource and when completed support all staff will become a dignity champion, hopefully! I can send you the resources if you like?

Old forum user 25/01/12

Hi there Sarah,

Thank you very much, I've just read you message. Thats very helpful. Yes please, I would really appreciate that. Thanks again for the help.

Best regards

Old forum user 26/01/12

Hi Sue
Here is the training resource - its actually on the site as a resource I
have just noticed as well
Good luck



leon seisay 30/01/12

cheers for the info sue
it is much appreciated

many regards

anna lamami 31/01/12

hi sarah, i my self have just become a dignity champion, would you be able to send some resource to myself plz many thanks anna.

Engelina Mafirakurewa 10/02/12

I have downloaded the Dignity Training and Handouts, and will start by training my staff. I would like all my staff to become Dignity Champions.
I believe this is a good way to start.