a bariatric measurement but not a bariatric weight

Julie Edwards 16/10/10 Dignity Champions forum

A patient with bariatric measurements but not a bariatric weight has highlighted a problem when needing a wheelchair for a hospital appointment.
Our patient cannot fit into our range of wheelchairs with the exception of our bariatric wheelchair which does not fit onto a disabled wheelchair taxi lift. The bariatric ambulance which can accommodate this wheelchair will not take our patient due to not being a bariatric weight.

The only other option is to use a stretcher ambulance to take the patient for the appointment which is not very dignified by any stretch of the imagination.

This situation has had an adverse affect on our patient just as we have been giving encouragement to overcome the fear of standing which has led to her improving mobility. Our patient is now faced with no option but to lie down to be able to travel anywhere. This is not dignifed, respectful or morally right.

Is there any way round this situation other than having a customized wheelchair made which will fit an ordinary wheelchair taxi and accommodate the patients measurements?


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