
Liz Taylor 13/02/13 Dignity Champions forum

You may be ionteretsed in the following nformation
It is a pilot of a peer advocacy project for older people living with cancer - the pilot areas are Gateshead, Dorset, Stoke on Trent and Sefton. The project is being funded by Macmillan and the Big Lottery and managed by OPAAL in partnership with Macmillan.


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mike stone 15/02/13

I've just had a very quick look at the webpage - the 'theme' is one I agree with, but current clinical guidance is very confused and conflicted, about the role of non-patients in decision-making and discussions, and even for patients making decisions it is inadequate.

This is an area that needs a lot of pressure, to change it so that 'it looks right from the patient's perspective'.