affection between residents

Graciete Sampaio Trindade 29/12/09 Dignity Champions forum

I work in a care home in Dorset, some of ours residents have got Dementia and there are a couple who thing that they are married to each other.

They are all the time together, holding hands kissing and acting like a married couple.

The lady is a widow but the gentleman still got his wife. His daughter and wife often are coming to visit him.

We try to keep them separate but the lady in question becomes very possessive and anxious.

We have been told to report if there is an inappropriate contact.

Can you help us with the best way to deal with this matter? We don't want to hurt emotionally either them or the relatives.

Many Thanks

Graciete Trindade

Windows Live: Mantenha os seus amigos a par das suas actividades online.

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Helen Hendrickson 29/12/09

Dear Graciete
In order to help I need a picture of how much insight and information the
relevant people involved have
Has the lady in your care been told by staff that the gentleman in yr care
(her imagined husband ) has a wife
Has the gentlemen been counselled re the appropriacy of his contact, or made
aware of how his wife might feel ?
Does the gentleman's real wife know of this relationship in the care
What reaction does the lady in your care have when told the gentleman has a
wife in the community
Does your organisation have any policy on inter-resident relationships
What is the couples in yr care individual level of understanding of
language-Would either/both be deemed to have informed consent ?

Kind Regards

Helen Hendrickson Bsc Hons. MRCSLT, MASLTIP, HPC regd.
Principal Consultant

Central Communication Consultancy
Wetherby Lodge
75 Wigginton Road
B79 8RN