
katie kenning 11/05/13 Dignity Champions forum

Just want to say how much I love being a carer. I always try my best to make as many people I look after as I happy as I can. Wish I could do more sometimes though. Looking after dementia patients is so rewarding...shout out to everyone who is a carer :)

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debra anderson 12/05/13

Hi Katie i would just like to say it takes someone special to be a carer yes i agree it is so rewarding when you go out the door of a clientes house and look back and know that you have done the very best that you can do for some one makes it all worth while i have been a carer for many years and i would not have it any other way

mike stone 16/05/13

Hi Katie,

I hope you succeed in making 'as many people you look after, as happy as you can'.

Old people, and dementia patients, are still people after all: they can still usually experience 'good and bad feelings and emotions', and for dementia patients in particular, I think if they are not 'happy', what else is there left for them in life ?

Keep up the good work,

Best wishes, Mike

mike stone 16/05/13

Hi Katie,

I hope you succeed in making 'as many people you look after, as happy as you can'.

Old people, and dementia patients, are still people after all: they can still usually experience 'good and bad feelings and emotions', and for dementia patients in particular, I think if they are not 'happy', what else is there left for them in life ?

Keep up the good work,

Best wishes, Mike