clients,choice regarding food

benny keeble 18/02/13 Dignity Champions forum

I was at work several days ago and i had witnessed 2 options on the residents menu but also witnessed there was a choice of sandwiches cheese,egg,cornbeef,but also written in large letters was one filling only per resident.I felt this wasnt right as our clients should have a choise,and i feel if they would like one ham and one cheese for example,then they should,and not be i addressed my concerns to our deputy manager because i felt that this wasnt right as limited choice.the deputy manager did address this straight away and the menu was changed. could i please ask anyother dignity in care champion for their opinion and views on this matter,would anyone else had done the same as i did, many thanks in advance,benny

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mike stone 18/02/13

Hi Benny,

If people can have more than one sandwich, I can't see why they cannot have two different fillings ?

If 'new' fillings are ever offered as options, this would also allow people to try out one sandwich with a filling new to them, and to have a filling they know they would like in the other sandwich.

Your reasoning, and the conclusion that it wasn't obvious why such a rule makes sense, both seem spot on to me,

Regards, Mike

Rita Umney 24/03/13

hello benny, good for you, we do offer choice of fillings, I like a mixture so this should be the norm

mike stone 25/03/13

By the way, Benny - I think you keep on raising, very reasonable concerns/issues.

If EVERYONE thought about things the way you do, I think there would be a lot less problems and scandals !

Best wishes, Mike

Liz Taylor 03/04/13

well done Benny. Like you I agree that there should be choice in both sandwiches and fillings. I am glad that the 'rule' was changed. Quite often I think these things happen because someone doens't think it through and then no one challenges. So keep up the good work.