colour purple

Sophie Cross 01/08/15 Dignity Champions forum

Would anyone be able to tell me why purple is the associated colour to dignity? Staff at my work place have been asking but I can't find it out anywhere.

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Susan Ebbage 01/08/15

It means to be valued and respected

mike stone 02/08/15

I don't know the answer to the question.

I have an idea, that purple was a colour once reserved for people such as royals and bishops, so it carried 'an implication of importance'- see Susan's answer above.

It often looks quite nice in combination with yellow, in my opinion - can't see where that comes into it.

And I think the first chemically produced dye, was marketed as Mauveine, and it was 'purple', and it is often called aniline purple.

Sandra Pritchard 03/08/15

I believe purple is also associated with courage as it was a colour worn by the suffragettes and this colour is also reflected in Health Visiting.

Jan Burns 04/08/15

Here are some replies from the dignity in action Facebook page.
1. Purple seems to be the 'in' colour for awareness.. It's the fibromyalgia colour and the ME awareness colour.. Also used for some cancer charities.. It seems to be the 'fashionable' colour for badges at the moment..
2. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is also associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. This explanation may help!

mike stone 04/08/15

My mind has obviously 'gone into ramble mode', because it just came up with this.

Is the colour 'adopted' by something such as Dignity In Care, chosen because it is best-suited to raising awareness of the campaign, or most in keeping with the 'ethos' of the aim of the campaign ?

For example - and I don't know the answer to this - if some people are colour-blind, and if many elderly people suffer from worsening vision, is purple 'a good colour to see, if you are visually-impaired' ?

I realise that I've wandered off-topic, and 'gone all nerdy' !

I do know, that those 'trendy' articles in magazines I sometimes come across, which instead of having a plain background have got a 'background full of detail' behind the print, wind me up these days because I find them hard to read !