dignity and respect training

Kamil Onayemi 15/04/16 Dignity Champions forum

Hi everyone being a dignity and respect champion for my work home. i have been asked to deliver a training about dignity and respect, i am wondering if anyone have an idea how to go about this, templates etc
many thanks

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Milly Wareham 16/04/16

Hi there.

I guess it would depend on the setting. I found a fairly all round training package online which I expect you could tailor to your specific needs...

Good luck!

Milly Wareham 16/04/16
Peter Seymour 18/04/16

There are training resources on our website and also links to Skills for Care and SCIE who also provide material.
Network Coordinator/Administrator
National Dignity Council

Kamil Onayemi 27/04/16

thank you very much.
Milly Wareham

Kamil Onayemi 27/04/16

thank you Peter Seymour,