dignity in care audit

Liz Taylor 23/03/15 Dignity Champions forum

We have been contacted by someone who is looking to source the origins of a dignity in care audit, that he obtained some time ago. There are 13 criteria in the audit covering amongst others entering the care home, nutrition, sleeping, mobility and sensory considerations. I can't attach it to this query, but if anyone does have any ideas I would appreciate a response.


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mike stone 25/03/15


Is 'I can't attach it to this query' because there was a reason you did not want to attach it, or is it because the ability to attach files was 'lost' in the website redesign ?

And if it is 'because the website currently doesn't let people attach files', is it going to stay that way ?

As you've probably spotted, I valued the ability to attach PDF files which a 'graphical element' to explain some of the 'nerdy technical stuff' I dig into - should I give up hope that I might be able to attach files again ?

Liz Taylor 31/03/15

Hi Mike

It's because the ability to attach was lost in the website redesign. We are hoping to do something about this, but the issue at the moment is having someone available to moderate. One of the reasons it went was because we were looking to stop people using this as a free advertising forum. Believe me we are working on it


mike stone 31/03/15

Thanks Liz,

I hadn't realised that people were using DIC for advertising, to any significant extent.

I admit to using the 'attach a file' facility for making nerdy analyses 'publically available' (i.e., I point at them in e-mails to other people), but my stuff tends to be related to dignity, if at times a little tenuously.

But there is a difference between plain-text, and a presentation of something which includes 'graphics' (diagrams, flowcharts, etc). I have noticed how frustrating it can be, to try and explain something which 'in your head needs a diagram' when you can only use plain narrative !

Best wishes, Mike