flowers on hospital wards

Old forum user 01/02/10 Dignity Champions forum

I have recently read an article undertaking research that suggests fresh flowers on a hospital ward help to improve patients health and quicken recovery. Our hospital bans flowers on wards as they believe water in which cut flowers stand could be harmful. What views do other hospitals have on this issue as I would like to introduce flowers back onto the wards if possible

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Andrea Evans 02/02/10

I agree, flowers do brighten up the wards and cheer people up! In our hospital, our ward allows flowers at\the moment but the respiratory wards do not and a few others don't at the decision of the matrons. I can understand the respiratory wards as some flowers, especially lilies do seem to trigger allergic responses in people but I think when possible they should be encouraged. I will see what our infection control nurse has to say about it and will post again.

Old forum user 07/02/10

Thank you for your reply. I have since read articles stating plants on a ward may be beneficial to improving health as a colourful plant may make a long stay patient feel more cheerful I am still researching this.

Andrea Evans 08/02/10

Well I have found that they always cheer up both patients and staff and make a great topic of conversation. I think that as long as there are no adverse health or allergy issues then they should be on the ward! Let me know what else you find out! Andrea :)

Old forum user 10/02/10

Thank you for taking the trouble to reply. I am going to discuss this topic with my
ward sister and get her views. As flowers are not allowed on our ward or in our
hospital this I may have difficulty but I will also pass your comments on.

> From: [log in to view email address]
> To: [log in to view email address]
> Subject: [Dignity Champions Discussion Forum] - Re: flowers on hospital wards
> Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 20:20:56 +0000
> Well I have found that they always cheer up both patients and staff and make a great topic of conversation. I think that as long as there are no adverse health or allergy issues then they should be on the ward! Let me know what else you find out! Andrea :)

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