hello all

cheryl jizdan 14/02/09 Dignity Champions forum

hi ive been asked to be a dignity champion and its great to know there are a lot of us out their.....could you tell me what sort of things people been doing in there care homes to keep up the good work?

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Lorraine Morgan 15/02/09

In answer to some queries Re Champions, Practice and Dignity in Care
Homes. Have a look at the My Home Life initiative. This was set up by
Help the Aged UK and free resources were developed and are on the
website www.myhomelife.org.uk

However, Help the Aged Wales has now obtained funding from the Welsh
Assembly government for 3-5 years to look at developing practice in care
homes through the participation of pilot sites and care home forums.

I am the elected Chair for this steering group which consists of
employers, carers, inspection and regulation bodies, Welsh Assembly
government, older people as well as nurses and academics.

We should soon have a webpage up and running - but you can find
information on the Help the Aged site and the above site.

We will also put news in our A Dignified Revolution newsletter.

My background was in managing care homes in the voluntary sector before
I worked in my present job. I am also an older person which emancipates
me no end when it comes to commenting on concerns around care and
nursing practice.

Keep an eye on the My Home Life website as it develops.

Best Wishes,


Lorraine Morgan
Tiwtor Staff/Staff Tutor,

Cyfadran Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol/Faculty of Health and Social Care
Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru/The Open University in Wales
18 Stryd y Tolldy/18 Custom House Street
Caerdydd/ Cardiff CF10 1AP
Tel: 029 20 262760
web: http://www.open.ac.uk/wales
Mobile 07 827 895 862

julia pritchard 16/02/09

hi cheryl glad you found this thanks for the bits you gave me today julia x