hello everyone

Leanne Roseveare 23/03/16 Dignity Champions forum

Im new at becoming a dignity champion .I have been asked my my manager to run a hours training work shop with my staff could anyone give me any help and advice on what to do thanks in advance

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Jan Burns 24/03/16

Hi Leanne. Great to hear your manager is putting dignity training in place It always works to define dignity to see what it means to them.
Perhaps they could give examples of when their dignity had not been met.
Go through the Dignity Dos. What do they mean in practice? Could you design a dignitree with leaves that depict what a true champion should do.
What gets in the way of delivering with dignity? What action can they take to change practice. Could you look at theming the action so that you can do follow up training - perhaps themes around SPICES - social, physical, intellectual, cultural, emotional, spiritual needs.
Don't forget if their not signed up as champions we are looking to reach 100k by June.

Lyn Wright 24/03/16

Hi Jan
Using SPICES is a really good way of recognising what dignity will mean and how to address it to action
Thank you

Jan Burns 24/03/16

Hi Leanne we usually have a ginger bread person with SPICES around as a handout. Let me know how it goes.

Maryjane Clarke 27/03/16


I've been asked by manager to be the dignity link nurse for our ward. The above ideas are really good - thanks. Any more ideas would be appreciated.

Anthony Anderson 27/03/16

I have done the first suggested slot in a team meeting regarding going through dignity dos and my teams ideas. I was wondering if anyone can give me any tips has to what I can do next please?

Wendy Badger 30/03/16

Hi, a couple of things we thought of to bring dignity "home" to staff were;1. to ask them to use a commode that was behind a screen but in a place where people would be passing (doesn't have to be a real commode obviously as it's just making a point), and

2. to give staff a card with personal questions written on pertaining to their sex life, bowel habits etc and ask them to think about how they would feel answering those questions in front of everyone

Karan Modha 29/04/16

I am becoming a new dignity champion and was wondering where I could find some examples of dignity trees and ideas to promote dignity. I have already had a successful coffee morning and thinking of holding other events such as Samosa Sundays.

mike stone 29/04/16


I really liked your post (2 above).

Really 'makes the point' in my opinion.