help wanted

Liz Taylor 28/03/14 Dignity Champions forum

Rachael is undertaking some research around health and social care workers and would like some help.
There are some questions on a survey monkey, with the link below.

The areas she is looking at are.

1. Many care workers also stated that they often work above their contracted hours; why do you think this is?

2. Secondly, would it surprise you that many of the care workers that completed the questionnaires stated they do feel stressed and do feel unappreciated? Why do you think this is?

3. Every single questionnaire I received back had the 'no' box ticked when asked 'Do you agree with your hourly paid wage?'. When asked to expand on the question, the response that often occurred was that the hourly wage received (often national minimum wage), did not reflect the hard work, long hours, and consistent awareness and care; in addition adding to their feelings of being unappreciated. What do you think about this finding?

4. Many responses to question 9 stated that care workers would feel more appreciated if they felt they were more involved within decisions within the work place and felt they were listened to. How do you think this should be addressed?

5. As a result of my findings; care workers tend to feel they are over-worked, can feel stressed, don't feel appreciated, and feel under-paid; what effect do you think this could have on the individuals being cared for?

6. Finally, if a care worker feels like he/she is suffering with any of these problems, what would be your advice?

The link is:
Any help anyone could give would be gratefully received.

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Kevin Mcguinness 23/05/14

Q1.To cover for staff shortages and/or to receive a livable wage.
Q2.Staff have to work to a system in most care homes where tasks must be completed by certain times meaning they very rarely have any contact with management , only if something has gone wrong.
Q3.I totally agree.I have worked in care homes through an agency and received more per hour than regular staff.Surely if they raised the staff wage they would not need agency staff as they may be able to recruit more people.
Q4.Management need to involve staff more as they are the people who are on the front line and can identify any problems first hand and this can also lead to greater job satisfaction if carers can make posotive contributions.

Q5.This could lead to staff leaving, putting service users at risk as staff may develop a less caring attitude towards service users , poor standards of care in the work place, safeguarding issues .
Q6. Staff should talk to senior staff about their feelings, discuss at supervision meetings or staff meetings ,if no response go higher .