home care workers survey

Rochelle Monte 03/02/15 Dignity Champions forum

I am trying to get as many home care staff as possible, to participate in this survey. We need people to be aware of the responsibility currently placed on undervalued workforce. Please share as you wish.
You do one of the most important jobs in our society and yet too many people in power do not appreciate all the hard work that you do. Many people are unaware of how complicated your work is and how parts of it are very similar to what nurses do, but without the same levels of pay or treatment.

In order to help show just how complex and demanding your job can be please can you fill in the following quick survey? It is a few simple questions about the different sorts of work you and whether you have been trained properly to do it.


Your answers will be anonymous, and they are vital to our campaign to bring about the better treatment of homecare workers.

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mike stone 04/02/15

Hi Rochelle,

I've been briefly pondering this one. Ideally you want an online survey to be pointed at from other online sources, so that people only need to click on a link.

I've considered sending your link to my council's social care folk, but I doubt that they would 'pass it on' to care workers.

I then remembered that I had seen a journal for HCAs in WH Smiths: a bit of online searching makes me think this is the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, but I only found a page explaining how to subscribe to it. I know that the online version of Nursing Times carries articles about HCAs as well as about nurses. Perhaps if you sent an e-mail to NT (or to BJHA if you can find an address for it) they might publish the link to your survey ? Probably not, but you could try - the NT website has got e-mail addresses for their staff :

Editor Jenni Middleton [log in to view email address]

Online Editor Fran Entwistle [log in to view email address]

Other than that, I can't work out how I could help with this one,

Best wishes, mike

Rochelle Monte 04/02/15

Brilliant suggestions Mike, I will email them both later, thankyou

mike stone 06/02/15

Duplicated from the other discussion:

Rochelle, if you go into the Champions Search and put in

'All Regions' > Social Care > (tag) homecare

it returns the details of 251 champions. You could send an e-mail about your survey with the link in it to the ones whose profiles fit what you are after, I think. It doesn't take very long if you prepare a standard e-mail to copy into the box with just the individual's name to add - probably about one minute per e-mail sent.