making a dignity folder

Sharon Southern 25/11/14 Dignity Champions forum

hey !!:)
i am new to being a dignity champion with in my job role i was wondering if any one could help me. i work in a home with ladies with learning disabilities all with a variety of different needs. i have been asked to set up a folder that can help me and my work collogues learn about dignity within our service and how as a team we can all improve i am finding it hard to set up a folder as i are not quiet saw what to do? as well as if CQC came round to the home i work in they could look at outcomes and things to show that we are on board with things! if you could help me in any sort of way much appreciated many thanks sharon southern

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Jan Burns 26/11/14

Hi Sharon do have a look at the dignity audits we have on this site - you may find them helpful - by completing them you can demonstrate that you are working as a team to review where you are with putting dignity at the heart of quality practice. Good to show cqc - good to see you on the dignity in action Facebook page., keep up the great work. Jan

Liz Taylor 01/12/14

Hi Sharon

Alongside the audits that Jan has mentioned above it might also be useful to think about ways in which staff show respect for people's dignity on a daily basis. This may be as simple as knowing that no one enters a resident's room without being invited; or as complicated as how you might help someone express their sexuality in a dignified way. There is quite a lot of guidance amongst the resources on our site, and you might also look at the SCIE website where there are some very practical suggestions and good practice resource.

Good luck

Liz Taylor