medical restraint

Liz Taylor 07/04/15 Dignity Champions forum

Medical Restraint:

Just interested in peoples' experiences and views on the above?

What is more preferable...two hours of necessary proactive physical intervention or early medical intervention using PRN?
Neither are ideal, but which maintains the dignity of the individual more?

Any comments?

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Nicola Barlow 07/04/15

I think early PRN that way you don't physically have to intervein . I
typically give people a choice they either calm down or I will have to PRN
I don't like to physically intervein if I don't have too . Physical
intervention should be a last resort

jo wilson 12/04/15

Don't like the thought of either but if push come to shovery pRn. I have had experience were a person Ive cared for has had pRn medication previous to coming into the home but it's soon been discontinued after triggers Identified