my views New on Dignity awareness training

Kelly Campbell 03/02/17 Dignity Champions forum

Hello all! just had to share my views, I recently attended a Dignity Awareness course invited by Meaningful education in Bedfordshire,
I assumed I knew most things about Dignity and didn't need any more knowledge but actually the course altered my thought process in different ways, this provided me with self reflection and enhanced empathy within myself and a better awareness of dignity to others,
I would highly recommend this training to all you pro-active Dignity champions that want to be effective in enhancing the service they provide.

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Suzie Lloyd 03/02/17

Hi Kelly,
Would you happen to have a link to this training?

Suzie Lloyd

Tracy Fellows 04/02/17

Hi,Kelly Have you got a email address for this training.

Kind regards,


Kelly Campbell 05/02/17

Hi Suzie

I have an email address : [log in to view email address]


Tracy Fellows 05/02/17

Thank you Kelly.

Kelly Campbell 05/02/17

Hi Tracy

The email is : [log in to view email address]

They also offer other fab training and are the founders of Bedfordshire dignity network its worth a join if you are in the area.


Jennifer Mort 06/02/17

Thanks so much for sharing about the training. It does sound really interesting and I would like to find out how I could attend. Please could you send me a link?

Shirley Howard 06/02/17

hi kelly have you got an email address or link please for the training

June Roberts 07/02/17

Morning Kelly please could you let me know the nearest place to go for more training , I did have an afternoon on the 2nd of this month which the residents and familys really enjoyed, we had our knitter natter club on this afternoon with lovely cream cakes , biscuits, tea or coffee served in the break, also to ask residents familys how they are and get information how they feel about what i do for them as i am also activities coordinator
Kind regards

Alison Briddon 07/02/17

Kelly I would also be interested in a link to this training.

Claire Gill 08/02/17

This sounds really interesting and I'm really hoping there is a course in the Taunton area as I would be very interested.
Many thanks all for this information.

Sammie Morris 09/02/17

Hi Kelly
Could I also have the link please?
Have you had a chance to go on the interactive virtual reality training for Dementia? If you do its really worth it.
Take care

Kelly Campbell 10/02/17

sorry For the late reply everyone the link that I have is:
:[log in to view email address]

Hi June -The team at meaningful education should respond to any query you may have, I have found they are very friendly and quick to reply.

Hi Sammie- Yes I have also done the virtual reality dementia training it is an eye opening experience that provides more understanding and empathy for caring for those who have dementia, I personally believe all care staff should attend.

Kelly Campbell 10/02/17

Thanks to everyone that has responded to my post.

It's nice to share my views and relate with likeminded people!
