need any advice on non compliance

Bex Hill 26/03/13 Dignity Champions forum

Me and my colleagues look after a gentleman who is non compliant, he screams, shouts and tries to hit you if you try and change his bed sheets and his shirt, this problem is getting rapidly worse as he is now doubly incontinent and refuses to wear a slip. As a result he is lying in his own urine and faeces, which has caused his skin to go bright red and breakdown in very small areas
We change his sheets as much as possible but it's not helping and he gets very angry.
I need as much advice as possible because to go with as I believe that if we were to go with his wishes is neglect and therefore abuse but to force him isn't good either and is very distressing for me to see him like that
He is known as non compliant.
I have looked for websites for advice but can't really find anything.
All advice would be greatly appreciated

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mike stone 09/04/13

Hi Bex,

I'm not an expert on this, but I think you have got a very distressing, and complicated, problem.

If he is not mentally incapable, then I don't think you can legally impose your decisions on him, however 'stupid or destrcuctive' his own decisions are.

But to protect yourself and your colleagues (you said 'we'), I suggest that you raise this issue with your line manager ? At some point, someone should have a 'policy' to cover this issue - locally, within your organisation.

Sorry I cannot suggest anything else,

Best wishes, Mike