
charlotte clifford 16/04/09 Dignity Champions forum

Hi, i have been asked to be the dignity champion for my dept at work. i am new to all of this.
if any one would tell me how they got started things they set up etc. would be great to hear from you

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Old forum user 17/04/09

Hi Charlotte

I am new to this too! I am a Radiographer working as an advanced
practitioner in the breast care centre. What is your background? Maybe
we could liaise.


Emma Wade 17/04/09

Hi Karen,

I would be interested in liasing with you and charlotte as to how you
promote being a Dignity Champion in your work place.


charlotte clifford 17/04/09

Hi Karen and Emma,

Thank you for your reply.
I am currently working as a outpt assistant in oncology outpts.
Have been doing this for about 3 years.
I was asked to do this role as i got involved in benchmarking.
I was trying to come up with ideas of how we could improve.
I was thinking of putting together a file that staff would be able to use.
maybe some kind of posters etc

Many thanks

Emma Wade 17/04/09

I think that would be useful, I down loaded the information that Karen
mentioned and am having a read through to see if I can think of any ideas
for the carers at work. I am manager of a Domiciliary care agency and really
want dignity in care to be promoted.
I would love to hear any ideas or share opinions on any new ideas


Old forum user 20/04/09

Hi Emma

I have read most of the dignity in care publication over the weekend and
it identifies lots of really useful work that has already been done. I
am about to launch a domiciliary care service (June), but currently
manage a community support team and also oversee quality in the care
homes that we own. Loads to do!!


From: Emma Wade [mailto:[log in to view email address]]
Sent: 17 April 2009 21:25
To: Rands Nicole
Subject: Re: new

I think that would be useful, I down loaded the information that Karen
mentioned and am having a read through to see if I can think of any
ideas for the carers at work. I am manager of a Domiciliary care agency
and really want dignity in care to be promoted.
I would love to hear any ideas or share opinions on any new ideas


On 4/17/09, charlotte clifford <[log in to view email address]> wrote:
> Hi Karen and Emma,
> Thank you for your reply.
> I am currently working as a outpt assistant in oncology outpts.
> Have been doing this for about 3 years.
> I was asked to do this role as i got involved in benchmarking.
> I was trying to come up with ideas of how we could improve.
> I was thinking of putting together a file that staff would be able to


> maybe some kind of posters etc
> Many thanks
> charlotte


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Emma Wade 20/04/09

Hi Nicola,

I have been the manager of a Domiciliary care agency for the last six years
so if I can be of any help by all means let me know. Email me and I will try
and solve any queries / problems you might of come across.

Good Luck for June,
