patient 'dignity in care' passports

sarah whyte 25/02/25 Dignity Champions forum

We have patient passports but they are not needed for all patients.
Just wondering if anyone out there has a 'dignity in care' type passport
So looking at communication more around language, anxieties, and how we can make a patients stay more comfortable. What matters most to them.
I would like to have a paired down version of the passport and didn't want to reinvent the wheel

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Alex Lewney 27/02/25

Hi Sarah, which passports are you currently using? The nhs Learning Disability passports contain information on additional and communication needs
These are a short form of a much fuller care plan and individual SaLT informed / assessed communication plans and passports, especially people with complex communication needs.
Hope this helps?
I’d be interested in seeing the solutions others have come up with

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