searching for champions

Rochelle Monte 04/02/15 Dignity Champions forum

I have been searching through the website and was thinking that it would be an idea to have the option to search for champions through company name. I have been looking for people from a particular company and have sat for hours trying to find some. I'm not being difficult I just thought it would be an interesting option. Thankyou

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mike stone 05/02/15

I haven't used the Champions Search facility recently, but I used to find it time consuming but detailed: and looking at the profiles is a useful filter. Mind you, although I've had some useful results, I tend to get told off by DIC for using the e-mail contact facility (some people dislike the questions, which are almost always connected to end-of-life) because some champions complain about being asked (and in my experience you need to send a lot of e-mails out, to get replies - perhaps 1 response fore very 10 or more you send out) - I've never quite understood, why you would include an e-mail contact facility but then complain if somebody uses it.

Several times in my posts on the BMJ website I've included my e-mail address, mainly in the hope that the medics who disagree with my positions might argue the point with me: I've only ever been contacted once, and that was a few weeks ago by a retired hospital doctor who was agreeing with me.

mike stone 06/02/15

Rochelle, if you go into the Champions Search and put in

'All Regions' > Social Care > (tag) homecare

it returns the detail sof 251 champions. You could send an e-mail about your survey with the link in it to the ones whose profiles fit what you are after, I think.