smell alrams

Liz Taylor 08/08/14 Dignity Champions forum

The following query was received on the email system. does anyone know about these.

I have just read about the plug in smell alarms that is an aide to promote eating for people with Dementia .

Please can you tell me if these are available, cost and if they are available can a patient trial one first?

Thanks a lot

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Jan Burns 10/08/14

Hi Liz I haven't heard of them I will put a post on the dignity in action Facebook page.

Jan Burns 10/08/14

Hi Liz two replies from the Facebook page:
Details on
I think they cost about £350 00

I will keep you posted

Jan Burns 11/08/14

sorry Liz that should say £350. i did copy and paste so not sure how i ended up with that. Jan

Jan Burns 11/08/14

another reply this evening Liz
I know of a care home that trialled it with brilliant results.

mike stone 17/08/14

It strikes me, that this is the type of example of 'something that improved things' which the Willis team are 'trawling for' - is anybody going to send it

'I know of a care home that trialled it with brilliant results.'

in to Willis ?

I put the link to the Willis webpage somewhere on here recently (I've an idea, in the 'poem' once).

And you don't NEED to complete and use the template Willis provides for download - you can instead send in a quick e-mail saying who you are, what was tried out, and how it improved things (in other words, 'an example of good practice').

'Brilliant results' needs highlighting, anyway !