
benny keeble 27/02/13 Dignity Champions forum

I work in a nursing home consisting of 24 residents we have 3 seperate units with 8 residents living on each unit.Each unit has a main toilet and all bedrooms have unsuite facilities. There is also a toilet inbetween our reception area and the main lounge,used by most of our clients.Our home manager has stated that she wishes for this particular toilet to be used by visitors and residents family members only,but myself and all of my work colleagues feel this is slightly harsh as if a client is in need of the toilet and especially if they have trouble holding on,they have to walk all the way back to their unit or personal bedroom to use a different one.can anyone give me an opinion on this.many thanks benny.

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Old forum user 27/02/13

Hi Benny

I would suggest that all toilets should be of an acceptable standard,
pleasant, hygenic and well presented for everyone to use and that we should
not differentiate between users. Housekeeping checks of all toilets should
be frequent and we should not expect residents to use toilets that would be
unacceptable to visitors or staff.


Eleanore Bliss 13/03/13

Hi There

I think Nicole sums it up nicely here. I would expect any toilet in the facility that I worked in to be of a high standard and there should not be a need to separate toilets for different people.


Eleanore Bliss 13/03/13

Sorry I just realized I spelt your name wrong Nicola. Please accept my apologies.


mike stone 19/03/13

Hi Benny.

My view on this is pretty simple - 'if a client is in need of the toilet and especially if they have trouble holding on' (as you write) then the nearest toilet, seems the obvious choice to use !

So, I think we are in agreement. And yes, all toilets should be clean, etc.

Old forum user 23/03/13

Why should we label service users different from visitors or staff members, if we are all about "Dignity" then is this dignified ?

Dignity is about making people feel respected, how can this show that when you are saying, "NO" you cant use that toilet.......

James Foad 23/03/13

Hi Benny,
I agree with Nicola, at the end of the day this is the Service-users home so why should they be told they can't use a particular toilet! I assume you have staff meetings, bring this up there or ask your manager for a meeting you and other staff!

I personally don't like the word service-user I prefer the word residents as it's their home

James Foad 23/03/13

Hi all,
Surely if Carla or other staff are reporting problems and they are not being dealt with by by management then could the problem not be reported to social services or CQC, I appreciate what someone else has said that for the residents it could be like out of the frying pan into the fire


James Foad 23/03/13

Hi All,
sorry The last posting i made i meant to go under I Made A Stand and Not toileting.

Don't know what happend

Karen Lovell 05/08/14

Care of the elderly is all about dignity and respect. How undignified is it to see an elderly person in discomfort with a full bladder and trying desperately to get to a toilet? Or wetting themselves in front of everyone? And how disrespectful is it to make them go to their room?
Your manager needs to rethink this little issue!!

Jan Burns 10/08/14

Well said Karen caring about people is certainly about affording them and everyone else dignity respect and compassion. It is totally inappropriate not to support people with toiling tasks in a dignified and caring manner. It is certainly necessary to speak out about inappropriate practises. Of course it is important not to go in 'guns a blazing!' reporting and recording in an appropriate manner is essential.