Latest resources

  • Dignity project in care homes across Somerset

    Somerset Enter and View Project Overview. The Enter and View Team have been busy visiting and reporting on a cross section of homes offering residential care for older persons across Somerset. Nursing...

  • A Dignified Revolution Newsletter Oct 2011

    This months a Dignified Revolution Newsletter includes items such as: heads of the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of General Practitioners called for relatives to help care for elderly...

  • A Dignified Revolutiion Newsletter - Sept 2011

    News from A Dignified Revolution including - Protecting patients and the public, 2012 Nursing Standard Nurse Awards, Seven steps to end malnutrition in hospital

  • How to sign up to become a Dignity Champion

    If you are having difficulties in registering as a Dignity Champions via the website this leaflet will lead you through the process.

  • Raising awareness, Dignity Action Month

    Submitted by Helen Hickman, Staff Development Manager, Applegarth Healthcare, Carlisle. "As part of ongoing training and staff development we held a 'Dignity Awareness Month' to raise awareness of the...

  • A Dignified Revolution Newsletter: July 2011

    The newletter includes items such as: Reward the dedication and commitment of your community nurse, Guide to reducing the use of anti-psychotic drugs and Wards to be spot checked for dignified care of...

  • Dignity and care: Bernadine Wrobel's story

    I manage 8 teams of District Nurses in an outer London borough and this month I decided instead of the usual team meeting to devote this time to reflecting on the importance of Dignity in Care. Together,...

  • A Poem - Where's the dignity in care?

    It's not what I do for you it's what you do for me... They trust us....Family... It was the loveliest of birthdays that I had ever had... All older people should have a chance to live in our home.....

  • A Dignified Revolution Newsletter: Aug 2011

    The latest news from The Dignified Revolution including: Safeguarding vulnerable adults - a toolkit for general practitioners, A look back at the Stafford Hospital public inquiry and the Dilnot Commission...

  • University of the west of England, Bristol make dignity a priority for their nurses.

    Students, teachers and practitioners met last month at UWE, Bristol to participate in an event which focussed specifically on dignity in care in the adult nursing preregistration curriculum. Nurse...