Latest resources

  • East of England Carers Leadership Conference 19 March 2010

    Representatives from health, social care and voluntary organisations committed to the Carers agenda will meet together on 19 March 2010 for what promises to be a stimulating day of talks and workshops....

  • Eastern LINKs

    For the East of England, these will be your local LINk and locally-based user-led organisations.

  • Working Together to Promote Dignity following Self-harm in Northumberland

    In south-east Northumberland, mental health professionals, Emergency Care staff at the local general hospital, and service users themselves, have worked together to reduce the stigma of and improve the...

  • South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - The Dignity Journey

    South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been working to support the Department of Health Dignity in Care Campaign through leadership and commitment. Over the past 12 months the lead for Essence...

  • Lancashire NHS Foundation Trust - February 2010

    Various events have been arranged for Thursday 25th in different areas of Lancashire Care Trust, to give staff the opportunity to actively engage with their community and also to give those people who...

  • Walsall College - 2 March 2010

    On the morning of Thursday 25th February, Care students and staff at Walsall College did their bit to make sure that dignity is a reality for all, by supporting national Dignity Action Day.

  • A Poem for Dignity and Pride

    Trevor Tunstall from the Assessment and Reablement Team wrote 'A Poem for Dignity and Pride' to celebrate Dignity in Care Action Day. A Poem for Dignity and Pride Dignity and Pride two little words...

  • Dignity - How we don't do it here

    The following poem was written by Donna Bennett from Senior Health Care Assistant, Watford Stroke Unit, West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust. Dignity - How we don't do it here Excuse me nurse my...

  • I'm Here

    Louise Appleton from Hartlepool had written a poem called "I'm here..." "I'm Here..." - A poem about Dignity in Care for the person that matters I am still a person although my actions and words...

  • Dementia

    This is a song called 'Dementia' written by Jeremy Browne and was sent to us at the Dignity team.