Latest resources

  • Examples of stakeholder promotional materials

    Oxfordshire PCT, Bolton Council and Leeds city council have developed these promotional materials to support the campaign to raise awareness among those receicing care and members of the public.

  • End of Life Care in housing settings

    This documents highlights new end of life care policy and recent research.

  • Stakeholder timeline

    This timeline holds information that the central and regional dignity in care teams are undertaking and work that key stakeholders have planned.

  • Stakeholder initiatives

    This document is a snap shot of stakeholder activity in July 2009. Detailing what each organisationhas been up to and what they hope to achieve in the near future.

  • Help the Aged dignity measures

    Help the aged have developed this guidance based on what older people have said. They have developed these indicators of what they think should be measured to assess whether health and social care services...

  • Windsor & Maindenhead Audit Framework

    This audit tool aims to find a quantitative measure of the levels of dignity provided for each of the 10 points of the dignity challenge

  • Matrons Dignity in care Audit Tool

    This audit tool allows a matron or ward manager to take a snap shot of their working environment to see how they are delivering dignity.

  • Care observation techniques

    This observation & communication model looks at social history, socilaization preferences, activities & appearances. It will help staff have an understanding of the vulnerable adult in care.

  • Achieving Dignity in Care Homes in Manchester

    This guidance received from Manchester council provides a residents questionnaire and visitors questionnaire. It depicts standards which help homes achieve 'Daisy status' a status for care homes in Manchester...

  • Dignity on wards

    This audit tool developed by Dorset & Somerset SHA divides dignity into 5 key themes and uses observation & score cards to determine the level of dignity.