Latest resources

  • Webchats with the Care Services Minister

    Since the campaign launched 4 webchats have taken place, The first three undertaken by Ivan Lewis. Phil Hope completed the most recent one in January 2009. The past webchats with Dignity Champions...

  • Nutrition Action Plan

    The Nutrition Action Plan sets out the five key priorities for action, which were agreed by the Nutrition Summit stakeholders: To raise awareness of the link between nutrition and good health and that...

  • 'Reel Lives: Film, Performance and Memory'

  • SCIE Dignity in Care Practice Guide

    In partnership with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) we have developed an online practice guide. This guide has been designed to help support people front-line workers, practitioners,...

  • How to complain

    The Dignity in Care Campaign aims to share good practice, inevitably when raising awareness of dignity the matter of poor service is also highlighted. We are often contacted and asked how to make a formal...

  • Care Opinion

    Care Opinion is all about enabling patients to share their experiences of health care, and by doing so help other patients - and perhaps even change the NHS. As well as allowing everyone to see...

  • Engaging with Patients via NHS Choices - guidance

    One of the key features of NHS Choices is the patient feedback facility. From launch in June 2007, the public has been able to write and post feedback on their hospital experience and to date, over 7,000...

  • South Central Event

  • October Ministerial Update

    This is the October 2009 Ministerial update.

  • How Cynthia Spencer Meets Each Part of the Dignity Challenge

    Cynthia Spencer meets each part of the dignity challenge including but not limited to the below: Have a zero tolerance to all forms of abuse: Staff training Key role models Challenging inappropriate...