Latest resources

  • Anchor LGBT Group

    Anchor'sLGBT tenant group was set up in October 2007. They meet quarterly and rotate their meetings around the country. The group would like the focus for them to be: ยท To help make Anchor a safe...

  • Vegetarian for life

    The charity vegetarian for life has recently undertaken a survey of the number of vegetarians & vegans in care homes. The results indicate a greater emphasis should be placed on providing appropriate...

  • Kissing it better

    Kissing It Better a new website run by two ex nurses who simply want to make simple ideas that can make a world of difference avaliable to everyone. Check out some ideas they have

  • GMTV interview Sir Michael

  • GMTV interview with Sir Michael

    Sir Michael talked to GMTV about the Dignity in Care campaign

  • GMTV interview with Sir Michael

    Sir Michael talked to GMTV about the campaign, his reasons for getting involved and the good work that can be done by those who want to get involved.

  • Sir Michael at the LGA conference

    Sir Michael gave a well received speech to the LGA conference and followed this by answering some of the audiences questions around Dignity.

  • A Dignified Revolution - Hygiene and Infection Article

    In December 2008 the Daily Mail published an article by one of A Dignified Revolution's (ADR) Founder Members. It was about the experiences of an elderly relative's hospital care. The article struck...

  • Sir Michael Parkinson and the 'Dignity - Who cares?' event

    Sir Michael hosted the very successful "Question time" session at the 'Dignity - Who cares' event in Leeds. The other panel members included the previous care services minister, Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal,...

  • Dignity & Emergency care

    Within the Emergency Care Directorate, United Lincolnshire Hospitals have implemented a series of one day dignity workshops based on the RCN Dignity toolkit, which have been scheduled every two weeks,...