Latest resources

  • Francine Arrowsmith

    Francine Arrowsmith joined Gloucester House Nursing Home in 2004 as part of the housekeeping team. The dedication she has shown to the welfare of residents has made her a valued member of the care team,...

  • St. Joseph's

    In order to show the high value it placed on its residents, St Joseph's care home surpassed all expectations and put on a spectacular opera event featuring singers from the Royal Opera House. By 'thinking...

  • Bootstrap Enterprises

    Bootstrap Enterprises' main aim is to widen its role in social care and to provide social care users with support to gain and retain employment and ensure that work forms part of a positive, well supported...

  • Salford and Trafford older people's dignity champions

    Salford and Trafford older people's dignity champions was launched to ensure that dignity in care did not remain a philosophy but became part of the fabric of the service. First, in the summer of 2008,...

  • Wirral CVS Mentoring Project

    Wirral CVS Mentoring Project, funded by the Drug and Alcohol Action Team is a project which offers mentoring and support to substance misusers who want to make a change in their lives. The project...

  • Marlborough Family Education Centre

    Marlborough Family Education Centre in London has found a novel use for heart rate monitors, normally used in sports training, for child and family therapy to help children at risk of exclusion from...

  • Gillian Marshall

    Gill recognises that dignity is not about legislation or lip service; it is about promoting a basic human right, which sometimes involves challenging attitudes and changing behaviours. Already a Dignity...

  • The Sheffield Care Home Olympics Planning Team

    It's a fact that everyone needs to engage in meaningful activity every day if they are to maintain good physical health, mental wellbeing, a sense of identity and their personal dignity. The Sheffield...

  • Carolyn Martin, Stroke Unit, Dewsbury Hospital

    This pioneering programme at Dewsbury Hospital in Yorkshire is lending previously unheard stroke patients a voice in the life-changing decisions about their care. Following a stroke, many people have...

  • St Benedict's Hospice In-Patient Unit

    St Benedict's Hospice In-Patient Unit Promoting privacy and dignity is about changing culture, not just improving services. Patients judge their experience on the way they are treated as a person...