Latest resources

  • Dementia Care Audit Tool - S.C.I.E.

    The care audit is about improving care, not monitoring performance and most audits have nothing to do with any external review process, it's an internal self review process.

  • Social Care in South Africa - Gillian Moncaster, Conference 2014

    Gillian was awarded a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship this year and has recently returned from a visit to South Africa, where she spent 6 weeks exploring methods of social care, exchanging information,...

  • Conference 2014 - CQC Presentation

    From Sue Howard, Head of Inspection (Adult Social Care): Central Region, CQC

  • Moving Into A Care Home

    Moving to a care home can be an emotional time for both residents and their families. However, if you follow these simple suggestions it can be a very positive experience for everyone involved.

  • NDC Report on the Common Core Principles on Dignity - Jan 2014

    Dignity in care has been of interest and concern for many in health and social care, for some considerable time. Almost every day there are media reports on undignified care received by the elderly and...

  • Challenging Poor Practice - Training module

    When delivering care or watching others delivering it, ask yourself "would this be good enough for members of my own family?" This module has been produced for two purposes: 1. To support individuals...

  • St Anne's Dignity Booklet

    This booklet is produced in the spirit of continuously promoting and sharing what we do and in recognition of the importance of dignity in our day to day practice. Champions fo Dignity is a powerful...

  • The National Dignity Council is the lead body in taking forward the Dignity in Care Campaign.

    Our primary aim is to promote dignity across the board and raise its profile. We believe that Dignity is everyone's business and one of the key ways in which we work is to bring together the outputs...

  • Making a Difference in Dementia: Nursing vision and strategy and infographic

    The Department of Health has launched a new nursing vision and strategy for dementia care. It makes clear that every nurse can make a difference to the care of people with dementia. This new resource...

  • Butterfly Scheme for dementia care

    The award-winning Butterfly Scheme allows people whose memory is permanently affected by dementia to make this clear to hospital staff and provides staff with a simple, practical strategy for meeting...