Latest resources

  • UKHCA Code of Practice

    The United Kingdom Homecare Association Ltd (UKHCA) is the national representative association for member organisations providing care, including nursing care, to people in their own home. The mission...

  • Evaluation of the Self Directed Support Network - Summary of Key messages

    This report summarises the key findings from 2 parallel studies which examined progress towards the implementation of self-directed support or personalisation in a range of English Local Authorities in...

  • Ministerial webchat: Full transcript 14 Nov 2007

    The first live webchat with the Minister for Care Services (Ivan Lewis MP) and Dignity Champions was well attended on 14th November 2007.

  • Dignity in Housing

    This Housing LIN Report covers policy and good practice to maintain dignity in housing and housing related support. Although the emphasis of the report is on older people, the principles can be applied...

  • Now you see me, now you don't: how are older citizens being included in regeneration?

    Published by Age Concern England the report explores how older people benefit from and are involved in regeneration. Contains evidence of progress made and challenges, many case studies as well as recommendations...