Age Concern Cheshire
Dignity Audit on the commissioned older persons beds on behalf of Central & Eastern Cheshire PCT.
Age Concern Cheshire has been commissioned by CECPCT to undertake a dignity audit on the older person's beds that are commissioned by CECPCT with their provider services.
The audit seeks to identify how well the providers in two acute trusts, a mental health partnership trust and in residential and nursing placements are performing in relation to the dignity challenge and to identify and promote best practice.
The audit is currently taking place and will be able to report back by early December, the work is based on an qualitative approach and aspires to capture the voice and experiences of older people, their families and carers who use these services as well as staff and a review of corporate policies, older people are closely involved in the work of the audit, with the audit tools being developed utilising Age Concern Cheshire's own older persons networks and a small team including older people will be collecting information.
An aspiration of the audit is to use mixed media techniques to be able to record experiences and enable a diverse range of contributions from participants, also to be more effective in promoting what is seen to be working practitioners, decision makers and the public.
It is also the intention to utilise the findings of the audit to inform the next round of contractual negotiations between the PCT and its providers.
See Dignity Audit documents below for background information.
We are also attempting to widen awareness locally and involve a more diverse range of partners and agencies in promoting the campaign and to take the dignity challenge, we have been utilising the resources supplied via dignity campaign in ensuring Cheshire's various Local Strategic Partnerships accept and adopt the challenge and partner agencies consider how they might contribute.
Pleased to report that the motions to accept and adopt the challenge was accepted and received very positively and has resulted in a range of agencies (beside the "usual suspects") becoming more engaged in this work.
It has also served to bring diverse agencies together to consider how they can further contribute and work together on a range of issues such as preventative services, and engagement and involvement.
Report to the Chester Partnership below.
We are working with local hospitals clinical governance teams to promote practical measures to increase awareness of the campaign and put in place actions in partnership to improve older people's hospital experience.
Development of discharge pathways, including access to more holistic advice and information resources and ensuring older people, their families and carers have access to information and explanation on discharge, (discharge "next step" bags, referrals to voluntary & community organisations, preventative services etc).
Promoting the challenge and resources to ward-based staff and putting in place processes such as protected meal times etc.
Tel.01606 305030