Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The Trust continues to have a structured, busy programme of work focusing on Dignity in Care issues. Since the last update, the Trust has continued to utilise a Dignity / Older Persons Champions Group to share best practice and to collectively tackle some of the important issues - All clinical areas now have a nominated Dignity / Older Persons Champion / Representative to help take the many projects forward. All Champions / Representatives have attended a specific Dignity / Older Person training day which has evaluated extremely well.
We have recently launched the Trust's Policy for Dignity in Care and 'A guide for implementing the Policy for Dignity in Care for Managers'. The Trust policy / guide helps reinforce DOH Guidance and supports many of the important messages contained within the latest relevant publications.
The Trust is committed to launching a "Dignity Charter" during autumn which will incorporate / reinforce the messages contained within the DOH Dignity Challenge. Posters are in the process of being produced to help raise the profile of our commitment to these important issues and the organisation is planning an 'Awareness Raising Day' to support the campaign, which will engage all members of the Multi-disciplinary team, patients, their carers' and relatives.
Aspects of Dignity in Care are also being incorporated / embedded into other relevant trust policies such as the 'Patient Transfer Policy', which will clearly set out expectations helping to promote dignity at every stage of care, even when transferring from area to area. Education and training will also be provided to non-clinical staff (i.e. portering staff) to ensure a Trust approach is adopted and that Dignity is implemented at every stage of care.
Contact: Colin Hont, Matron, Department of Medicine for the Elderly.
Tel: 0151 525 5980 bleep no. 2184.
Other Dignity leads within the Trust are: Mrs Carmel Hale, Senior Nurse, Mr Paul Quigley, Matron, Surgery and Mrs Cathy Mordaunt, Clinical Nurse Specialist.