Blackpool, fyde & Wyre
Blackpool Fyde & Wyre NHS foundation trust have devised a dignity audit tool and undertaken a baseline assessment across the whole of the Trust. When the results were analysed, they have themed the emerging issues against the strategic outcomes within the Dignity Map and have created a Trust wide action plan to address these outcomes. They have secured corporate ownership and resources for this work from both the Executive and Non Executive leads as well as appointing a new lead for Patient Experience.
In response to the Caring for Dignity report September 2007, the Trust carried out a baseline assessment of wards and depts. to cover the five key aspects of dignity and respect. Fifty wards and departmental managers carried out the self assessment tool in November 2007. This process identified examples of good practice as well as providing staffs perceptions of the causes of lack of dignity, how these could be remedied and who could change things.
The results from the process were taken to Trust board with recommendations for addressing the Caring for Dignity agenda in March 2008, it identified the need for board level leads and these were identified as the Director of Nursing and a non- executive director. The board agreed a consultation process over the Summer of 2008 to assist in identifying key trust standards in relation to privacy and dignity - the consultation was launched on nurses day 2008 and took the following form
- A consultation questionnaire in the membership newsletter (54 replies - - 34 form people 66 years of age and older, 31 who requested to be involved in future "caring for dignity" work.
- Focus groups of ward/dept. mangers (£ groups facilitated - total of 74 attended
- Focus groups with non-executives and governors (11 involved)
- MDT professional group (8 involved - clinical service s manager, perfusionist, physiologist, ODP, dietician, physiotherapist and radiographer
- Trust members (10 members involved)
To ensure that any future work related to National dignity agendas, links were made with the DOH through the Deputy Head of Customer Insights. The Trust was asked to assess the draft DOH assessment tool "Your Care You Dignity Our Promise" and this was used as a template to theme the information collected during the consultation period - the information collected was extensive and broad demonstrating that dignity means a variety of things- as a result of the consultation the Trust recommended the following actions :
· Privacy & Dignity campaign for2009
· Head of Patient Experience to take forward the dignity agenda trust wide (Dignity Champion)
· Certain issues to become priority - Training, leadership, Patient involvement and feedback.
· Currently preparing to deliver Privacy and Dignity Road shows, led by directors Trust wide