Ceri's Family

The Ceri's Family tool helps with; Engagement/consultation and Performance Management/Impact Assessment.

The implementation of 'Ceri's Family' as an engagement/consultation tool the framework consisted of developing an evidence based profile of a particular character(s) and having stakeholders, including service users and the general public, involved in further development.

The implementation of 'Ceri's Family' as the performance management framework is a vehicle to capture the impact of joint working directly on family members. 'Ceri's Family' can be used in a variety of ways to either highlight areas of health inequality or to promote services that have been developed to address health inequality issues. Using the family as a vehicle enables the message to be relayed in a more accessible, user-friendly way.


Our resources

Many of our resources are free. We are happy for you to use these resources, at no cost, to support you in ensuring that dignity is delivered, however if you found them helpful, please consider making a donation to help the campaign continue and develop new resources.