Department of Health's Big ideas project

In March 2010 Bucks 50 Plus Forum was one of the successful proposals to win a national award for "BIG IDEAS". The proposal was to set up a programme of interviews carried out by trained volunteers with older people who have recently received care, to find out if they had been treated with dignity and respect. The aim of the project was to improve practice in respect of dignity in care and to develop a tool that others could use as part of the assessment process.

This report gives an account of the process and highlights issues, barriers and positive outcomes that Bucks 50 Plus Forum would like to share through the SCIE Dignity web site. It may be of particular interest to those developing healthwatch.


Our resources

Many of our resources are free. We are happy for you to use these resources, at no cost, to support you in ensuring that dignity is delivered, however if you found them helpful, please consider making a donation to help the campaign continue and develop new resources.