Dignity Training Packs

Over the years the council has received many requests for dignity training. Whilst we do not have the resources to deliver such training on a regular basis, we do believe that we can provide guidance and support to others in delivering such training.
We now have two packs available:
- Baseline Dignity Training
- Manager and Supervisor Dignity Training
Pack 1 - Baseline Dignity Training
The pack consists of a PowerPoint presentation and accompanying workbook.
The PowerPoint covers thinking about Dignity what it means and what it looks like, and includes both underpinning knowlege and scenarios to enable participants to gain an understanding of what working and delivering services in a dignified manner looks like and what is good enough practice. It also covers the aims of the Dignity Council and what Dignity Champions should aim to do.
The workbook provides an opportunity for participants to demonstrate their understanding and on completion can gain a certificate. The workbook can be completed individually or in a group. [we recommend at least doing it in pairs as this enables people to discuss various points of view].
The cost is £25 and once purchased you can print off as many copies as you like. You can also adjust the PowerPoint to include scenarios that are live for your staff and colleagues.
If you would like more information or wish to purchase this training pack please email info@dignityincare.org.uk (opens new window).
Pack 2 - Manager and Supervisor Dignity Training
The pack consists of a PowerPoint presentation and accompanying workbook, and a Resource book.
The focus of this pack is on builiding up skills in the creating of cultures in which dignified practice can occur. It assumes that individuals have an understanding of what dignity means and its important in dleivering support that people want to experience.
The PowerPoint and Workbook take you through the thinking around dignity, dignified prcatice and the creation of a culture that enables both staff and those being supported to experience dignity in a meaningful way. It suggests areas where managers might like to focus, for example on auditing the policies and procedures of their organisation and assessing how these support [or hinder] dignified practice.
The Resource book contains links to both written and YouTube material that support the consideration of Dignity in the workplace.
The cost is £95 for each set of documents which would be supplied electronically.
If you would like more information or wish to purchase this training pack please email info@dignityincare.org.uk (opens new window).