East Midlands Region Safeguarding Adults Development Day
An East Midlands Region Safeguarding Adults Development Day was held on the 27th September 2010 at The Derby Conference Centre. 94 delegates and speakers from around the Region attended the event which was hosted by the East Midlands Joint Improvement Safeguarding and Dignity Board, Local Government Improvement and Development agency and The East Midlands Improvement and Efficiency Partnership
The Aim of the day was to share examples of local and regional good practice, to highlight the work of the EM JIP Safeguarding and Dignity Board and to give an opportunity for national, regional and local updates
The East Midlands Adult Safeguarding Boards were invited to nominate delegates, who included, people who use services carers, strategic and operational safeguarding adult leads in local authorities and partner agencies, Safeguarding Board Chairs and lead members.
Cath Roff the Chair of the East Midlands Joint Improvement Partnership Safeguarding and Dignity Board and the Strategic Director Adults Health and Housing Derby City Council chaired the day.
Councillor David Sprason -East Midlands Regional Elected Member Champion for Adult Social Care and Sue Disley Assistant Director Adults and Communities - Leicestershire County Council led the mornings keynote speakers. The presentation 'Think Family' and 'Think Community' - A year on from the Pilkington Inquest' heralded a lively question and answer session
Tim Milner from the Local Government and Improvement Agency formerly IDeA gave an instructive presentation and demonstration of the Community of Practice website which will play a pivotal role in sharing Adult Safeguarding information across the East Midlands (www.idea.gov.uk)
Cathie Williams Local Government Improvement and Development Safeguarding Lead spoke on 'Interfaces and thresholds: making the whole safeguarding system work' and also gave an update of the work being undertaken by Local Government and Improvement
Delegates were able to select two workshops from the following
- Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguarding - Robert Nisbet (DoH)
- 'How do you solve a problem like medicines management?' - Darren Allsobrook (Derby City Council)
- Vulnerability - the emerging role of the police and implications for Safeguarding - Inspector Geoff Hughes (Leicestershire Constabulary)
- Dignity in Care Homes - Annette Forbes (Leicestershire County Council)
- Empowerment and the Involvement of People in the Safeguarding Process - What can we do now? - Jane Foster
- Commissioning, safeguarding and poor practice - Julie Sanderson (Nottingham City Council)
Speakers' notes and information from the workshops are available through the Community of Practice website on the East Midlands Region Adult Safeguarding Community of Practice www.idea.gov.uk