How Cynthia Spencer Meets Each Part of the Dignity Challenge
Have a zero tolerance to all forms of abuse:
Staff training
Key role models
Challenging inappropriate behaviour
Patients right to chaperone
Continuous reviews & monitoring
Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself or a member of your family:
Care is provided exactly how the individual wants not only how the staff would like to be treated
Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalised service:
Based on the philosophy 'You matter because you are'
Each patient is greeted at reception
Each patient asked what they wanted to be known as
Continuity of care through separate staff teams
The hospice has previously held weddings & baptisms
Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control:
A holistic approach including porters, cleaners and volunteers
Separate approach for patients with communication problems
Patients asked to provide their own clothes
Listen and support people to express their needs and wants:
On admission the patient meets with Dr's and nurse together
Family members opinions are sought
Chapel & multi-faith room available
Respect people's right to privacy:
Interview rooms available for patients to use for private conversations
The Chapel is large enough to accommodate a bed if the patient is not mobile
All patients are informed when another has died
Privacy screens available
Patients are asked who they want medical information shared with
If patients share something confidential- it stays that way.
Ensure people are able to complain without fear of retribution:
Head Matron will immediately see the patient
Patients or family can fill in a complaint card
Complaint can be given anonymously
Engage with family members and carers:
Family members are taught how to assist the patient e.g how to give injections or move the patient
Relatives room to stay overnight if they want to be near their loved one
Put up beds available if the relative wants to sleep next to the patient
Kitchen facilities available for relatives
Flexibility on visiting times
Assist people to maintain confidence and a positive self esteem:
Great emphasis based on body image
Patient home visits
Act to alleviate people's loneliness and isolation:
Comprehensive discharge plan
Out of Hours advice service
After a death family members are invited back the next day
Bereavement pack issued
Bereavement support offered
Non religious memorial service six times a year
The Minister was then escorted on a tour of the hospice including the massage room, gym and hair salon.