John Powell, Chief Community Care Officer, Redbridge Council
The Redbridge Safeguarding Adults Partnership has proactively and successfully achieved full engagement of all partners involved in Safeguarding Adults. Whether from Social Care, Health, Voluntary Sector, Police, Ambulance Service, CSCI or Providers of Care, Redbridge has made great strides in providing a whole system approach to Safeguarding Adults. Raising the awareness as well as responding to direct referrals has been a priority for the Partnership and as a result is making a difference to the residents of Redbridge.
Active engagement by the partners is maintained due to the strong leadership and coordination of the Safeguarding designated officer. This officer has time to develop service and policy rather than get absorbed into the day-to-day referrals, which in Redbridge is managed by all Social Care Teams rather than solely by the Safeguarding Coordinator. CSCI locally has praised the Redbridge Partnership for its proactive and can do approach to the work.