Karan Pearson - United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
The OT Dept at LCH is split into four teams, this reply is from the team I am currently working in. During the course of our everyday activity as a team we have discussed some issues that we come across from day to day on the wards. When listening to patient's concerns a large proportion of people have highlighted continence issues as one of the main problems they find most important to them.
Recently we have decided to look at particular areas of concern i.e. the use of urine bottles on the wards. This issue has been brought about because several patients have stated they are not happy to have bottles placed on tables used for meals etc. On looking at this problem we have cheeked that appropriate holders are available for bottles to be placed into. We are also working with one of the Dignity in Care representatives in the hospital to check how common this problem is and if so, how to make staff more aware of how this effects patient respect and dignity.
At a later date as a team we will be looking at the issues of private space on the ward for relatives of patients who have had a bereavement. This has come about because many wards have now lost free space to equipment and storage.
Karan Pearson, Occupational Therapist, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust