North East Dignity Challenge Event
The Dignity Challenge event took place on May 15th 2008 at the Newcastle College Conference Centre and was a huge success. The Event was chaired by Linda Christon the North East Regional Director for the Commission for Social Care Inspection.
Over 50 delegates attended the event, 30 of which 'signed up' to be dignity champions in Newcastle and North Tyneside. The new Dignity Champions come from a wide range of sectors including Local Authority, PCT, Independent and Third-Sector organisations.
Rachel Swallow, Dignity Project Lead for the Department of Health set the scene by outlining the governments agenda to raise awareness and stimulate debate around Dignity in care.
Examples of good practice and work already in progress were given by Sandra Grey - Age Concern, Chris Dugdale - Newcastle City Council and Clare Abley from Newcastle PCT.
Attendees also attended workshops sharing ideas and debating progress for
Commissioning with Dignity, the 10 Steps of the Dignity Challenge and Best Practice in Palliative Care. Service users from Newcastle and North Tyneside also played a key role in the day.