North West Front Page
My nameis Anna Gaughan and I have been commissioned to take the Lead for Dignity in Care across the North West region.
We have lots to celebrate and more to do......
The North West is the largest CSIP region and has the largest number of Dignity Champions (510). Over the coming months, I will be working with other colleagues across the key strategic partner organisations in the region as well as directly with the Dignity Champions to take forward a programme of work on dignity.
The programme includes the following key elements:
· To sustain and spread good practice, through establishing and supporting networking opportunities fo r Dignity Champions
· To embrace and embed dignity in existing strategic work programmes e.g. strategic commissioning, performance and scrutiny and build capacity and capability through training and workforce development
· And to make the right connections with other key related policy areas and processes
I would like you to use this website to keep up to date with developments nationally and in the regions. It would be helpful to email me with 'Dignity Champion Stories' and related resources so we can continually share and spread good practice. Please use the attached Request Form for 'Dignity Champion Stories' and email me lots of them to
I am looking forward to working with you on this key area over the coming months.