Progress for Providers: Delivering personalised support for people living with dementia

The Progress for Providers Series are a range of simple self-assessments to enable providers to deliver more personalised services.

Each one has been developed with commissioners and providers, in partnership with people, families, academics and professionals. It takes only about 40 minutes to do the self-assessment, and there are also pages for actions planning and suggested resources. They are free to download and use. We can also provide training and support - please email (opens new window) for more information.

Progress for Providers - checking your progress in delivering personalised support for people living with dementia, is aimed at care homes for people with dementia.



Our resources

Many of our resources are free. We are happy for you to use these resources, at no cost, to support you in ensuring that dignity is delivered, however if you found them helpful, please consider making a donation to help the campaign continue and develop new resources.