(Tameside Training Consortium) Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
All training commissioned through the consortium has the Dignity in Care 10 points within the contracts. Courses throughout the year reflect Dignity in Care and one of the recent and very successful training has been 'Training through Drama'. A series of workshops to produce training in Safeguarding Adults commenced with the Consortium Training Organiser, commissioning officer, Safeguarding Adults Training Organiser, representatives from the private sector Homecare, Care Homes and the training provider involved. The production consisted of short scenarios that included all the service areas, and exercises derived from each scene were presented by training organisers to enhance the awareness raising. This training was introduced at the annual conference in October 2007, (aimed at managers and owners) where the theme was Dignity in Care. The room was set out to include 10 tables to seat 10 people at each, including one facilitator on each table. Each delegate received a booklet that contained the Dignity in Care cartoons to use as a training tool; some of the cartoons were also linked to the training through drama and a power point version was shown during lunch. A successful event in April 2008 aimed at care workers from the private sector was organized in an identical manner and received excellent feedback from the candidates.
Contact: Lynne Taylor, Training Organiser, Tameside Training Consortium. Tel: 0161 337 0246. lynne.taylor@tameside.gov.uk