Dignified and Respected
We have divided the 'Dignified & Respected' section of the Dignity Map into 3 categories to help you break down the task of providing Dignified care. We hope that by looking at them this way it will evoke more ideas of opportunities for improvement.
"No care should be provided in a way which demeans or is seen as disrespectful. Throughout care people are made to feel central to it and that at any stage their individuality and humanity is of paramount importance."
There is an easy to read version of the Dignified & Respected section of the Dignity Map at the bottom of the screen detailing indicators & evidence that may help you achive these aspects of dignified care.
Communicated with effectively
One generation is different to another: Understanding what is the norm and using it is part of doing the job effectively.
Spoken to with Sensitivity: News is not always good, not always to be shared. It is important to understand how to communicate sensitively in the moment, in the environment.
Spoken to with Patience: Things won't always be heard or understood. People are not always perfect. Anger is not an answer.
Listened to with Interest: Everyone has a story. Listen and learn.
Communicated with Considerately: Peoples time is their own, their space their own. Are you certain right now, right here is right for them?
Spoken to with Empathy: Compassion is essential to good quality care, understanding people, what motivates them and how to speak to them to reflect this is essential.
Privacy is Respected
Modesty is Respected: "I remember being taken to the toilet in hospital and they left the door open. They couldn't understand why i was concerned about it. The nurses were having a conversation while I was on the toilet as if i didn't exist" Recent Inpatient. Source: Help the Aged, On Our Own Terms
Personal Space is Respected: Personal space should be respected & protected by all staff
Living Area is Respected: Individual needs & choices should be ascertained & continously reviewed.
Personal Belongings are Respected: Individuals are entitled to thier own space for thier belongings.
Personal Communications are Respected: Communications between staff and vulnerable adults should take place in a manner that respects thier individuality. People in care shoul dnot be talked at, talked over or assumption made. Speed, repitition & the need for explnation should always be considered.
Dignity is Ensured
Treated with Dignity at end of life: Death is traumatic, for the person, for their family, for their friends. Never lose sight that one persons actions can make the difference.
Treated with dignity where modesty may make people anxious: To be exposed is to be vulnerable, making people comfortable will reduce their anxiety.
Treated with dignity irrespective of capacity: Not everyone will be able to interact fully, this makes them no less human.
Treated with dignity during meal times: Treated with dignity during meal times
"That one man was opposite me... One nurse would come in, get hold of his head... and put it back, the other one would get potatoes, which were never cooked properly anyway, with a fork, pushing it in his mouth and then holding his mouth up there so he got to swallow it" Recent inpatient. Source: Help the aged, "On our Own Terms"
Treated with dignity during toileting and personal care: Everyone is protected from unwanted public view, has access to appropriate clothing, and methods which enhance an individuals dignity are used
A4 Dignified and Respected
Dignified and Respected From the dignity map in an A4 easy to read format