Focus on the Person
We have divided the Focus on the Person section of the Dignity Map into 3 categories to help you break down the task of providing Dignified care. We hope that by looking at them this way it will evoke more ideas of opportunities for improvement.
"Engaging and empowering vulnerable adults by making them active partners in their care, linking to the wider community and ensuring that the there is a joined up approach through which people are assured high quality care."
There is an easy to read version of the Focus on the Person section of the Dignity Map at the bottom of the screen detailing indicators & evidence that may help you achive these aspects of dignified care.
Involve Individuals, Carers & Communities
Services for vulnerable adults are better when they are joined up, built upon the experiences of carers and local communities and driven by the needs and preferences of the people who will be receiving care.
Involvement in Decision Making: Dignity is about not taking power away, but involving people in decision making, about their care. The way they are treated is so important, because not only are they real people, it is their life.
Involvement with local communities: The care setting is part of the community. Older people do not cease to socialise, participate and be valued members of their communities just because they enter care. Involving communities in designing services and their local communities to continue this involvement is essential.
Informed decision making: Vulnerable adults, their carers and their families need information to help them make decisions. Some of these decisions will be among the most important that they make in their life. They deserve the best we can give.
Joined up Services: Its good to talk, its better to guarantee that there are no transitional gaps that vulnerable adults may suffer.
Build Better Environments
Where we live, where we are cared for, how everything feels, really matters. Providing an environment that is pleasant, liberating and positive is essential to good care.
Environments meeting needs: People differ, they are not all the same. Services must look at the surroundings to understand how different people may see them and be affected by them.
Socialising & Activity areas: Relationships are important, chatting, laughing and remaining socially active are critical parts of life, this does not stop when going into care
Clean environment: Living in hygienic, sanitary and clean surroundings is a basic human right.
Nutritional Needs: The food we eat, and the way it is produced and manufactured, has a significant impact on our health. Nutrition is central to maintaining health and improving quality of life for people in care.
Culturally diverse choices: We live in a diverse society, catering should reflect the wide range of tastes and beliefs of everyone.
Promote Individual Needs
No two people are the same, understanding how they differ and what specific needs there are outside of the norm is essential to providing a high quality dignified service.
Support Independance: At a time in life where older people may feel they are losing control of their lives, it is critical we find ways of putting the power back in their hands.
Plan around Individual needs: Off the cuff is not good enough. Planning with people, with their families will reduce the risk of adding to the trauma.
Be prepared: There is no substitute for being prepared. Understanding needs, risks and preferences on entry is critical to long term success.
Regular Feedback: Collect and act upon regular feedback ensuring needs are being met. Services who know how to be better, will become better.
Needs & Wants: It is not always easy or possible to clearly express yourself. Good services understand this and react to it. People need support to express themselves.
A4 focus on the person
Focus on the person From the dignity map in an A4 easy to read format