Memory Book

Middletown Grange

Middletown Grange Care home in Hailey ( near Witney) are looking forward to this special day. There will be a pamper sessions with a qualified beautician for the afternoon. The residents also decided they would like to go to the local pub so we have arranged this for them to.We are joining the village coffee morning which the residents very much enjoy going to as they meet the other residents of the village and we always have a good natter over a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

To start off our Dignity in action day i wrote this poem.

Time a minute today outside of your busy day regime

Think… what am I like working in this team?

Think of your actions on both day shifts and night

Treating residents with dignity is a basic human right

Listen and support residents, with their concerns and deliver what they need

We do not discriminate gender, race or creed

In personal care, chat to residents and make them feel at ease

Think, wouldn’t I want that if that were me? Yes please

At meal times give choice, play music, and let the residents enjoy what they eat

Encourage those with small appetites, give alternatives not defeat

We want to maintain residents confidence and positive self – esteem

Think …how happy you are when you see that resident smile and beam

Don’t treat them as a door number or see them as one after another

Think of them as if they were your brother, sister, father or your mother

Be a role model to new members of staff and practice what you preach

Ensure that newspapers, food and drink are on a table, easy to reach

It is with this that we finish, let us all in every faction celebrate 'dignity in action'!

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